Superhero Academy Establishment

These are the front of the birthday invitations that were sent out to the Peanuts class. Between all of my jobs, my newest one - establishing a Superhero Academy - it has been craziness here !!!

Have to get back to it, will post pictures later on my progress....


denysedar said…
Well you ARE Wonder Woman you know..and every little superhero needs training ;)
Joanna said…
That's an adorable invitation!
Monique said…
I like female super heros best! Ya "Super Peanut"
Ann said…
What a cutie! I love it!
Kelly said…
Thanx, she is all about fighting evil these days, LOL!!!
Kelly said…
Yes, she sure is "super" :)
Kelly said…
Thank you :) I do my own every year, it's way more personal, and this way I get what I want !!!
Kelly said…
Oh man, certainly don't feel like Wonder Woman... but you are right, they need their training. I mean, you don't learn how to fly your invisible plane on your own, you know :)

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