Shake Your Sillies Out

Have you ever just had that overwhelming urge to double over with laughter?  Ever just been overcome with uncontrollable fits of giggles? Couldn't catch your breath as you are cracking up with milk spurting out of your nose?

Then you know what I'm talking about. That's what it's like here this morning at our house :)

The Peanut and I are having giggle attacks, so I have to get back to shaking my sillies out...

Hope you have a great day.... when's the last time you had to shake your sillies out?


Jenn said…
Just wanted you to know... You have and award..
the Tsaritsa said…
Yes, I know that feeling very well! And "Shake Your Sillies Out" by Raffi was one of my favorite songs as a kid!
Jules said…
I love to "Shake my sillies out." Sounds like a wonderful day you are having there :D
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Unknown said…
I NEED to shake my sillies out!

Thanks for the reminder!
Oh it's been too long... I had a friend who's about 20 years older than me and we used to laugh so much we'd get weak in the knees and have to sit down, often on the floor at work! LOL... how I miss laughing that much! (we've lost contact since I moved accross the planet)

Sounds like you and Peanut are having a ball!!! ^_^
Madison Sanders said…
We all need to do that. Laughter is so good for us, but adults often let life get them down.
ofnoconcern said…
That's certainly a Peanut pic if I've ever seen one! Hope you guys have a nice weekend.
Suzie Q said…
Totally love the photo :) YOu guys make the best team!
Kelly said…
It IS a wonderful day, hope you are having one too :)
Kelly said…
Have'll wish you'd do it more often :)
Kelly said…
Thanx Mr. Nanny. We sure plan to!!!
Kelly said…
Well I hope you find yourself another weak-in-the-knees-laugh-on-the-floor friend who is closer to you :)
Kelly said…
Thank you so much, Jen :)
Kelly said…
Yes, I stick my tongue out at life on a daily basis, hoping it gets the hint ;)

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