Birthday Much?

It is that time again, Happy Second Birthday to Me! So here's the deal, my mother wrote the wrong date on my birth certificate, so I take FULL advantage of her mistake and celebrate twice a year, once on my real birthday, and once on my legal one!!!!

So for today I am going to list 37 things I have come to learn about myself :

1. I have a very generous spirit.
2. I am not truly happy, unless I am creating....something or other.
3. When I love, I do it with my whole heart and soul.
4. When I cry, I do it with my whole heart and soul.
5. I have a very footloose and fancy free spirit.
6. I don't do well in a cage environment.
7. I still picture myself with my 20 year old body.
8. The fissures of age are slowly starting to reveal itself - and I am OK with that.
9. Sometimes I have blonde roots (in the not so literal but flighty sense).
10. I used to think I was pretty grey, I am more black and white than I once considered myself to be.
11. My life will never be an organized life. This suits me fine.
12. I am a spontaneous being.
13. Structure is not necessarily bad.
14. I am naturally an optimist. And I am DAMN funny!
15. I have jiggly parts that I may never be able to get rid of.
16. When I feel something, I feel it very deeply.
17. I do not like horror movies, and I do not feel the need to subject myself to years of nightmares to prove I can watch them.
18. Sleep means more to me then making myself beautiful does.
19. I do not need alcohol to dance at any opportune moment.
20. My dreams of being a professional singer will NEVER happen - though it doesn't stop me from belting out my favourite tunes for the simple joy of music (despite my tone deafness).
21. I believe the world, for the most part, is a good place and despite some interesting turn of events this past decade, I still yield an inherent childlike innocence.
22. I will never get boob implants.
23. I have not stopped growing - literally, as I grew half and inch recently, no really I did!!
24. High heeled shoes were not meant for these feet.
25. I have a wildside that needs to be fueled every now and again.
26. I am an awesome friend.
27. I have no doubts my dreams will come true.
28. I dance to the beat of my own drum, and it's a damn fine beat.
29. I genuinely enjoy spending time with and playing with my lil peanut.
30. I still believe in Santa Claus.
31. I will never be a millionaire, and am completely fine with that.
32. I love good food.
33. I am an ambitious cook.
34. I GET the important things in life.
35. I can screw up Kraft dinner.
36. I am a truly blessed individual.
37. I am an amazing mother.


Batya said…
very very cool. You're a good soul.
alicia said…
That's crazy that you have 2 days. I did my list of 37 things about me last year. I like your list better. Haha. Really, it's a great one to hold onto for years to come. I also think I'm 20 in my head. But my body screams something else most days. And the mirror doesn't lie.
That's awesome you have two birthdays - happy 2nd birthday!

And I'm with you there...I, too, can screw up a Kraft dinner :-)
Unknown said…
I love this post!! Happy second birthday! I love that you are an ambitious cook who screws up Kraft dinner! LOL!!!
Deb Chitwood said…
Happy 2nd birthday! I love your beautiful blog and magical garden photos, radiating your creativity. I also love your work toward paying it forward. That’s why I gave you an award today at
Well there's another 37 reasons why I ♥ you so much!

what a coincidink - we are the same age
Kelly said…
Thanx guys :) I enjoyed it almost as much as my first one!
Liz said…
I love this list! Many of them remind me of either me or Kate. I, too, don't mind the age thing. And I will never get boob implants.

Kate feels everything very deeply and intensely, so that reminds me of her.
Holly Renee said…
That's hilarious that you have two birthdays! I love your list and you are an amazing spirit!!
Unknown said…
HAHAHAHAHHA...I love it Kelly...that post in itself was creative! You go girl!I just so appreciate meeting you :)
Wahzat Gayle said…
Happy Belated #2birthday to you! LOL
Your list is awesome...
Like you I will never get a boob job and I don not like horror movies. I however have stopped growing and to be honest I swear I am shrinking!!!!!
Hope you are having a great weekend
Checking in from Blogfrog
Great post! This was a super fun list post and one that I plan to steal on my next birthday (fair warning, but I'll use my own stuff ;) )

I liked #34 the best and I really empathize with #15 (deep empathy!)
Gemma said…
Really fun list, Happy Second Birthday :)
Shrine Readers said…
My list made me think a bit about my almost 38 years. My bday is Sunday. You have a great list of 37 things! :)
Pepper said…
Happy birthday!!!! I am feeling #7 and #15

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