Pay it Forward Fridays - Blog Action Day
Today is Blog Action Day, and this year's focus is on water. After the world witnessed BP's huge disaster this year, no one would disagree how important clean water truly is. Not to mention how important it is to be great stewards of this beautiful Earth. Unfortunately the sea life (both animals and vegetation) would have trouble thinking that we as humans, are doing that great of a job.
This brings me to my next point. Bottled Water.
Do you still buy bottled water? Do you still, misguidedly, believe bottled water is better for you? Cleaner? Tastier? Just the $$$ alone you can save in using tap water would surprise you. Did you know that there are far more stringent laws affecting tap water than there are for bottled water. Let alone the cost in materials, $$$ used in making it, and landfill accumulation of the bottles themselves. The following little video was brought to my attention by Tisha from Biz Mommy. So if you are one of those people who still needs their Disani, this is for you:
(taken from
This weeks Pay it Forward is dedicated to Water. Keeping it clean, NOT using bottled water, not wasting it, and about doing what you can for the environment.
Also link up your Blog Action day posts... lets prove that us Bloggers really do give a damn!!
Have a great weekend and don't forget to link up and of course show me some love...