My Body Is Beautiful and Simply Flaw-thentic

It goes without saying, that everybody is unique.  But when we are bombarded with images by the media of female bodies, even the most educated and informed take those images in subconsciously and it wreaks havoc on our sense of beauty.  In walks Melissa King of Simply Flaw-thenic, and her desire to make a change.  She has made this awesome video that I would like to share with you My Body....Finally:

Being a mother of a little girl, I struggle for this both in myself and for The Peanut.  I think the world can be very hard on pre-teens and their relationships with their bodies.  I myself, have found that although arrogance is a total turn off, confidence is incredibly sexy.  Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder, and we truly are all unique.  As written in an earlier post Comfortable with the skin you are in, I have become more comfortable with my body the older I get and the more I become me.  And am learning that I am a pretty darned awesome, inside and out.  Lessons learnt on being gentle with oneself and understanding the wisdom of years and passing of time has left its marks, though like those of beautiful ridges on trees, they too hold their own kind of beauty.  And find myself more attracted to those that see that kind of beauty over the superficial kind.  There is a braveness that one takes on, in being the trueness of yourself.  Considering I am a pretty odd duck, I'd like to think i harbour a particularly magical form of courage...and a little bit of Pixie dust...

Thank you to those Mellisa Kings of the world who try to enter the media with a more normalized view of what women should and do look like.


MadeByHind said…
You are right. This is a real deep subject. I am also having abit of that problem so I am trying to accept myself the way I am.
Corine said…
I have really changed in the way I see myself. happy to be happy with me and feel neither inferiority nor superiority. I believe God created ALL women to be beautiful.
By the way, I still have not received mycircle journal from long ago. Neither has Mindy. Do you have our journals?
Kelly said…
We truly are all uniquely beautiful, arent we ?!?!  I passed both yours and Mindy's journal on to Tracey, eons ago as per the circle... Have u tried to contact her?
Kelly said…
We truly are all uniquely beautiful, arent we ?!?!  I passed both yours and Mindy's journal on to Tracey, eons ago as per the circle... Have u tried to contact her?
Corine Moore said…
Yes we are! :D 
I did send Tracy a message via her blog about a year ago but no response and she hasn't posted on her blog since June of 2011. Do you have a phone # for her? I'll try snail mail (hope she is OK and still living there).

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