Our Little House

So the Peanut and I are PROUD owners of our own little house.

The timing was Perfect and crazy.  The stars  were perfectly aligned as the price was right and more importantly so was our vision....  
With a wrap-around porch and oozing charm, we fell in love with this little home.

Its a cute little house that has a gorgeous loft which will soon be our ART STUDIO  :)

Sometimes life happens in a way that makes you realize you are on the right path.  Putting in your way moments that are meant to be.  This little house felt like ours.  It already fit the two of us.

The Peanut and I have a very moderate lifestyle.  Don't get me wrong, we are not wanting for anything.  But we also don't spend frivolously.  And we are very thrifty and frugal.  Mind you we are also extremely happy too :)  And so much more now that my ribs are healing :)  :)

THe house has no appliances... and it needs a LOT of work, might knock down a wall or two...

Thought I would document our progress...

I feel like we are up for the challenge... I figure how hard can it really be?!?!!?


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