My Little Photographer
Some might laugh about giving a 4 yr old a Sony camera. I look at it, as an investment in her creative future. For according to me, she takes better (more artistically and visually pleasing) photographs, than a lot of grown ups I know. It gives her another venue to explore the way she sees the world, and in turn, maybe offers me a little insight into hers.
She really gets into her work too, placing and styling her subjects (more often than not, her stuffed animals), using mommy's tripod and timer feature to take photos of herself...and a lot of photos of her feet. These I like. I am not sure where her feet fascination came from, but there is always photos upon photos of her feet, god bless her!
I love this photo she took of our dog, another of my favs.
I guess its plain to see that I am her biggest fan, and there ain't nothing wrong with that!!!
Big Mama Cass, I used Ali Edwards free font, for personal use. You can download it here
Love all your font choices!!